Friday, 1 January 2016

ANCIENT LEGENDS – food for thought

This article is a simple collection of different data sets that defy explanation through conventional history.

There is a point where archaeological evidence staring at us in the face seriously contradicts conventional historical perspectives.  Religion, mythology and history then become one hazy mixture.

The examples are many :
·         The Pyramids and Sphinx of Egypt : While some pyramids were built as tombs for the Pharaohs, the big three on the Giza necropolis do not have any sign of ever being built as tombs. There are books written by modern authors that wax eloquent about the precision with which these three, and the Sphinx were built, and some theorists have tried to prove that these are much older than what conventional historians think. Perhaps older than the last ice age, that ended about 12,000 years ago, as proposed by Graham Hancock in his book “Fingerprints of the Gods”.

·         The statues of Easter Island ; Another major mystery – who built them ? How ? Why ?

·         The precisely cut stones at Pumapunku – championing a technology we are yet to develop.

·         The Olmec ruins of Meso- America that precede the Inca and Mayan ruins by a few thousand years. And we do not know who these people were, or what they were called.

The biggest challenge with these giant megalithic monuments lies in the fact that we cannot date stones through the conventional radio-carbon (C-14) method. Dating something lying beside a stone does not prove the age of the stone itself.

Some more examples :
·         The documents / tablets of ancient Sumer and the epic of Gilgamesh in particular.
·         The globally used symbol of divinity in antiquity – the entwined snakes – bearing a striking resemblance to the double-helix DNA molecule

·         The ruins of the Indus Valley civilization where bodies have been found as if they were killed in an instant, with substantial radioactive levels even today, and the sand around them fused into silica/glass, leading scholars to suspect a nuclear explosion

·         Sanskrit – that highly evolved language that does NOT NEED a glossary to describe modern technological discoveries and inventions – this alone could fill a whole book… And there are other contemporary or older languages – Tamil in India, three of the Chinese group of languages (not Mandarin), Akkadian in ancient Babylon, to name a few. How did these evolve ? There is no prior history.

·         High precision astronomical charts, calculations and calendars all over the world, including India.
o    Ancient India had over thirty calendrical systems that stretch over several thousand years. The Whitaker’s Almanac reduced this long list to seven calendar systems, where the oldest – the Kali Yuga calendar – has the year 6001 corresponding to the year 2000 of the Gregorian calendar. (Source : The Argumentative Indian by Dr. Amartya Sen)

·         Old maps of the Antarctica created at a time when people were not supposed to know it existed. (Example : The famous Piri Reis map).

·         The philosophy of the Gita (I refuse to call it a simple religious book) – that includes all notions of modern management in all spheres

·         Innumerable buildings, temples and other structures that align with the sun’s movement during the equinoxes and solstices…..

In many cases, archaeological evidence shows these civilizations “just appeared”, without any evidence of a gradual social / evolutionary / technological progress. Then there are astonishing similarities between the fables / myths / legends of cultures widely dispersed across space and time.

People thought the battle of Troy was the stuff of legends, till ruins of a city was discovered that scholars think, belong to Troy. If that is some day proved correct, then that was the last recorded battle where “gods” took sides and participated in it.

In the book “Twelfth Planet”, Zacharia Sitchin talks about four eras :
1 – When only “Gods” walked the earth;
2 – When they created sterile clones (supposedly the first humans) to work for them
3 – When the clones developed the power to breed and began to outnumber the Gods
4 – When the Gods left this planet to the proliferating humans

Compare that with the 4 “yugas” described in the Vedas : Satya / Treta / Dwapar / Kali.
Even today, across all religions, celibacy is considered a virtue; a virtual, first stepping stone to be closer to the “Gods”. A fall-out from Era 2 ?

Overview of Yugas as per the Sanskrit texts :
·         Satya Yuga (Krita Yuga):- 1,728,000 Human years (average human life-span : 100,000 years)
·         Treta Yuga:- 1,296,000 Human years (average human life-span : 10,000 years)
·         Dwapara Yuga:- 864,000 Human years (average human life-span : 1000 years)
·         Kali Yuga:- 432,000 Human years (as of 2015, 5,117 years have passed; 426,883 years remain). Kaliyuga started in 3102 B.C. (average human life-span : 100 years)

Why would an agrarian society, as conventional historians want us to believe, have the need to calculate and write about this kind of numbers ? Where did this information come from ?

In almost all ancient texts there are stories of people living for 600 – 900 years…. Were they from the “third era” ? (The ancient Egyptians too, talk about a “first time” when “gods walked the earth”).

By the way, the number 432,000 (or its sub-multiples 4320, 43200) is represented in all ancient cultures from the Mayan texts to Egyptian ones. (Source : “Fingerprints of the Gods” by Graham Hancock).

Most discoveries currently attributed to the western world are already explained in the ancient Sanskrit texts :

MEDICINE & SURGERY : Sushruta Samhita - The oldest Medical and Surgical Encyclopedia known to mankind. It is supposed to have been written sometime between 1200 & 600 BCE, but I think it is much older.  The Sushruta Samhita contains 184 chapters with descriptions of :
·         1,120 illnesses,
·         700 medicinal plants,
·         64 preparations from mineral sources and 57 preparations based on animal sources.
·         Its author Sushruta, is also considered to be the first ever human to perform medical surgeries on humans. It is impossible for an individual to compile all that knowledge in a single life-time. Perhaps he drew from even older sources of information to accomplish the feat.
·         The book also has vast details on embryology, human anatomy, along with instructions for venesection, the positioning of the patient for each vein, and the protection of vital structures (marma).
·         The “Ayurveda” consists of the document described above as well another ancient text on medicine and medicinal plants and concoctions.
·         The oldest documented evidence (9000 years) for the drilling of human teeth of a living person was found in Mehrgarh along with the evidences of orthopedic surgeries.

The ancient Chinese school of medicine is another brilliant example. The map of the human nervous system on which the principles of acupuncture and acupressure are based, is knowledge that we are still discovering.

Cloning / Test-tube babies :
In the Mahabharata, Gandhari was blessed with 100 sons. The birth story of those 100 kids runs like this : Gandhari, after two years of pregnancy, gave birth to a “single, hard lump of lifeless flesh”. Rishi Vyas cut up the piece of flesh into 100 pieces and put them into 100 separate jars or “kund”. Thus, each ‘Kaurava’ was created by splitting a single embryo into 100 parts and growing each part in a separate kund (container). Is this not identical to the cloning process of today ?

In fact, none of the major characters in the Mahabharata had a normal birth, in the sense that their parents were their biological ones. The five Pandavas too, were born through “blessings” of separate gods, to King Pandu’s two wives – Kunti & Madri.

Draupadi the common wife of the Pandavas, and princess of the Kingdom of Panchal, “emerged out of a sacrificial fire as an adult”. Some versions say she never aged. She was not, therefore, a human female in the conventional sense. Some versions say that she was “created” to bring about the downfall of the Kauravas.

Space Travel : The ancient Sanskrit texts talk freely of “three worlds” (tri-bhuvan) and people travelling between them in “vimanas” or flying craft. “Swarga” or “heaven” was a place where people went even when alive, to learn things.

Arjuna (one of the central characters in the Mahabharata) did so. He went to “Swarga” to learn “the arts” and how to use “special weapons” that the “gods” had gifted him. And then he came back to earth to fight the war.

Distance between the Sun and Earth : This is captured in the Hanuman Chalisa composed by Tulsidas in the 15th century C.E. It runs thus :
Yug sahasra yojana par bhanu,
Leelyo taahi madhura phal jaanu”

The sloka translates to: ‘[When] Hanuman travelled thousands of kilometers to swallow it thinking of it as a fruit’. The word-to-word translation of the same excerpt reveals the distance that Hanuman travelled.

1 Yuga = 12,000 years.
1 Sahasra Yuga = 12,000,000 years.
Also,1 Yojan = 8 miles.
 Hence, “Yug Sahsra Yojana”, the first 3 words mean 12000*12000000*8 = 96,000,000 miles,
or 153,600,000 kilometres.

Interestingly, the actual distance from earth to sun is 152,000,000 kms. Bafflingly, there’s error of just around 1%. It is believed that he received this information from the monkey-god Hanuman himself.

This list can go on… speed of light, value of Pi, explanation of eclipses, the heliocentric theory, even the elasticity of time and space, are all described through various stories / couplets in the Sanskrit texts.

One of the Vedic stories runs like this : There was this beautiful, learned, accomplished princess for whom no man on this earth was good enough. Suitor after suitor got rejected and her father, the King, in sheer desperation, decided to consult the Lord Brahma. Father and daughter got into a vimana and took off.

When they reached the place, the Lord Brahma was meditating. When he opened his eyes, he listened to the King and advised him to go back to earth, to a particular village beside a river. There, he said, would be the son of a “rishi” (sage), who would be the perfect match for the daughter.

The King said that he knew that village, but there was no sage living there. Brahma explained that the time interval between the King’s leaving the earth and returning to it will be about 21,000 earth years and the King and his daughter will not be disappointed.

How do you explain this story without the concept of elasticity of time and theory of relativity ?

It is said that Kali Yuga started the day the great Mahabharata War ended, which is why every Hindu worship ritual today invokes the standards set in the Kurukshetra War.

Warfare :
It took more than 3000 years of savagery and brutal battles for mankind to come together at the Geneva Convention and set rules for warfare, some sixty years ago.

The Mahabharata War had strict rules along which it was fought, barring a few transgressions. The transgressors were annihilated.

Can we even imagine the level of socio- political- religious evolution those people had, to define rules and protocols even for a “winner-takes-all” war ?


I am beginning to believe that the truth lies somewhere between the theory proposed by Zacharia Sitchin and that by Graham Hancock…

I think the Great Flood, circa 10 – 12,000 years ago, completely destroyed a highly evolved global civilization. Ancient Indian stories, Sumerian texts, monuments all over the world, numerous other artifacts, bear testimony to this.

With due respect to their lives’ works and efforts, conventional historians chose to ignore a lot of the above evidence. If they thought independently, they would be marginalized, or even ostracized.

And conventional history cannot explain the above.

[Compiled from diverse sources…]

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