Saturday 2 October 2021

A Boss... And a friend

 I met him about two decades ago in Brunei and went on to work for him for well-nigh six years.

He was a Singaporean Chinese, who had set up a company in Brunei. He had a distinctive sense of humour – bordering on the racist – but then we never worry about those things in these parts.

 One incident, very early on, is etched in my memory, and has changed me forever. We were having a serious discussion on a project, evaluating pros and cons of different approaches and he asked, “Do you agree with me ?”

I, true to my Indian upbringing, answered, “No, I think so too !!”

He looked at me, repeated the question. I repeated my response.

For the third time, he asked, “Do you agree with me ?”

I said, “No, I agree with you.”

He said, “All Chinese living outside China are very confused, and you Indians make it harder !! Do you, or do you not agree ? Yes or no ?”

I said “Yes”. Then he said, “Stop beginning your sentences with a “no”. Problem with all Indians that I have met. And then some of you shake your head in a way that leaves the whole world wondering whether it was a “yes” or a “no” !”

Lesson learnt – I now use this incident to train people.

He was very fond of wines, beer and golf.  I had started attending the gym, when one day over lunch he said, “I too have six packs of beer gut covering the original set.” On another occasion, I said something about believing his words and he said, “You are a fool to believe a smiling Chinese businessman...”

And boy !! He could party !! A few months down the line, I asked him to celebrate the completion of our project. He asked me what kind of food I would like to have. I, like a fool, said, “Authentic Chinese food.” He smiled and then a few weeks later organised a dinner in Singapore.

That was one dinner I will never forget – I got to have seven new animals – cooked in northern and southern Chinese styles... The list included sea anemones, sea cucumber and geoduck, among others. Pretty tasty and all that, but then, at his request the Chef brought an uncooked geoduck to show me. Holy smoke !! I could or would never have eaten that thing, but then I already had !!  You readers can look up the “geoduck” on the net.

 He was a person fairly steeped in Chinese traditions. A few years later, someone asked him over lunch where I was present, what made him hire me. He said, “Look at his forehead. That is the forehead of a hard worker and an honest man.” Oh ! My God ! And I thought my certificates were responsible.

 He was Roy Tan – my boss and friend. Roy passed away on 30/Sep/2021 – another COVID statistic.

In his own peculiar way he touched many lives while working the restricted market of Brunei. He touched my life in more ways than one.

 Rest in peace, Roy – your time came a bit too soon. And I will remember you till my time comes.


  1. Wonderful ode to a friend philosopher and guide DK. He touched and influenced many lives indeed. For me it all started a few years earlier in a hot afternoon as we landed in Bandar seri Begawan...shall never forget our days in Brunei which were undoubtedly made much more rewarding and enjoyable thanks to Roy.

    1. Thanks, Jude... Yes, Roy will be missed by many. That is for sure.
